Thursday, December 31, 2015

Discover Life: Exciting Update!!!

Discover Life: Exciting Update!!!:

Hey everybody! I just wanted to give you something to be excited about as we bring in the New Year! I released our end of year update a couple of days ago and asked for you to join me in praying for Rob, a new inductee who was accepted into the discipleship ministry. He knew some things about the Bible but had never accepted, confessed, or even considered the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I am ok with that ... in fact, as far as discipling goes, I am excited about it. I've met a lot of guys who think they are Christians, but only serve themselves as lord ... and it is hard to get them to see it. This guy knows he is not a Christian but, after trying everything else, was willing to listen and decide for himself. After almost two weeks of time well spent, he decided tonight, while enjoying some laughs at my house after dinner (Michael Jr - The Man With a Limp ...) that he needed to surrender.

We went into the sanctuary (next door) and talked through some things ... and ... well ... all of heaven is rejoicing. It doesn't take coercion! If it worked, I would do it all of the time ... but it doesn't take that ... neither does it take well thought out speeches or sermons ... but it does take prayer! If you prayed for this man, I thank you. I ask that you would continue to pray. Pray that his heart remains soft as the process of sanctification and transformation continues!

God is faithful! Prayer works! Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up 2015! Looking Forward to 2016! Should You Check That Again?

Discover Life: Wrapping Up 2015! Looking Forward to 2016! 

Woohoo!!! 2015 is in the books! What a wonderful year! We had near twenty men come through our doors here at Discover Life. We have seen some impressive break through, healing, and freedom. It is a blessing to be a part of discipling God's wounded people.  We had several decisions to follow Christ, even in baptism! We experienced the thrill of seeing people find healing and freedom from past pains, addictions, failures, and wounds! It hasn't been perfect, but God's perfect love has been prevalent!  Please pray for Rob, a man who joined the ministry up here a week ago. Please pray that God will be intrusive ... that His light will penetrate ... and that Rob will respond to the love of God in Christ Jesus and repent!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up November 2015: You're Holding That Wro...

Discover Life: Wrapping Up November 2015: You're Holding That Wrong...:

I do appreciate the opportunity to share month after month what God is doing here at Discover Life. God has been so good. We, as a church, pray consistently for God's wisdom to reach the lost, strengthen the weak, support the hurting and wounded in their healing and recovery, and equip and encourage those who are ready; thoroughly equipping them for every good work (or at least we should). Many fellowships just don't have the resources to meet all of the needs of their congregations specifically in the area of intimate, intensive and intentional discipleship at the personal level. Here at Discover Life, we get to be a part of God's meeting of that need. I am convinced that we can serve the collective church as a tool for that purpose.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up October 2015: I Think You're Missing S...

Discover Life: Wrapping Up October 2015: One of our trucks was rusting through the cab and desperately need to be repaired before the damage was irreversible. Since I consider myself to be a decent shade-tree mechanic/body guy, I took it upon myself to fix the damage and reseal the truck. I am not sure why they don't just fiberglass everything with all of the salt and corrosion. My strategy was to grind down all of the rust-contaminated areas using a grinder brush, treat the remaining surface rust, then fiberglass the bottom of the truck (all of it up 6 inches on the door, and finally cover the fiberglass with truck bed liner. I expected all of this to take about 2 weeks.  In Louisiana, I would have been successful. You have about 12 minutes to use fiberglass before it cures, so you only use a little at a time and just kind of work your way around the truck. I expected to go through a few cheap brushes (they are destroyed by the hardening fiberglass). I had all of the pieces of the plan together and in place. I had prepared for contingencies. I had all of my materials ready. With this level of preparation and my experience and skill set, what could go wrong?

Friday, October 2, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up September of 2015: There are Rocks in ...

Discover Life: Wrapping Up September of 2015:

Discipleship is messy. It just is.  This month we saw truth come to light in the lives of some of the guys up here, and it wasn't pretty.  I wish I could tell you that what we are doing is 100% effective, but God expects me to tell the truth ... so ... but I can tell you that what we are doing here is 100% Biblical, and so are the results.  He promises that what is stated in the shadows will be screamed from the rooftops, that all things hidden will be come known (Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17). Up here we say, "the bubbles will rise."

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up August 2015: Don't Feed The Horses!

Discover Life: Wrapping Up August 2015: Don't Feed The Horses!:

Well folks, it's been a year since we left Louisiana and arrived here in upstate NY.  We left on August 13th and arrived August 16th ... and it has been an adventure with twists and turns since our boots hit the ground. Allow my to provide a simple bullet - form recap.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up June/July 2015: Plan Your Garden!

Discover Life: Wrapping Up June/July 2015: Plan Your Garden!:

Where does the time go?  June felt like it was only 10 days long and it was mid July before I realized it!  There is so much to do around here during the warm months to prepare for the long winters that we could easily fill every sunlit moment of every day with work and still have things left undone. Yet we press ourselves to keep the task of making sure that the people ministered through Discover Life are "thoroughly prepared for every good work."  This means that we have to continually view the person as the focus of the ministry, and not as a resource for getting ministry done.  These two months we saw some good transition within some of the men who have come to a place in their transformation where they need real world environments to properly apply what they've learned and what they must continue to learn in their discipleship.  Transition is part of the nature of this type of discipleship, and this month we said farewell to Justin as he moves forward with his life in his walk and welcomed Ken into the ministry here.  I ask that you pray for both.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up April 2015 - Who Muddied The Waters??

Discover Life: Wrapping Up April 2015 - Who Muddied The Waters??: What a month!!!  April was a fast and exciting 30 days.  I don't know where to begin.

Click the link above to follow along ... thanks for keeping up with us!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Please Pray ... With Faith Expect Fights

Hey everyone ... so much has happened since our last post.  We hit the ground running ... sprinting truthfully ... and haven't stopped.  There's so much to do.  For a brief synopsis, click on the following link:

Discover Life is up and going ... to get more information CLICK HERE!!!

I do desire to detail the path, but that is not my purpose for this entry ... to tell you the truth, my heart is very heavy.  I am posting this entry soliciting your prayers ... my son Dayson is very sick.