Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oh Grenada, How Beautiful You Are

I could never have imagined the beauty of this place.  It is both refreshing and sad.  I will explain why soon.  But first, let's get to business.

I thoroughly intended to update the site daily but the schedule here has been demanding.  We have been getting in very late ... so please forgive my absence and I hope that this entry will bring you up to speed.

We left Saturday morning at 245 am ... yeah!  The customs exit was not so bad, but it was lengthy.  We made it to our terminal by 540 ... the plane boarded for 545 and we were in the air for 6.  The entire flight lasted for 25 minutes ... it was pretty quick.  I was not sure to expect upon exiting the plane.  I had been told that the beaches of Grenada are the most beautiful of the Caribbean ... I had no clue.

I was initially surprised to exit the plane onto the runway ... not the first time for me but never out of a jetplane.  I was quickly distracted with colors of the place.  Never in my life have I noticed such color ... there is so much beauty here.  Everything is brighter, clearer, it is almost unexplainable.  The landscape is full of greenery injected with every color imaginable.  The houses are all beautiful, aside from the houses still left in disrepair from hurricane Ivan.  But even they are taken care of ... this place is clean.  The people of this small Island take care of it ... they have pride in it ... it is obvious.

We were instantly taken to a pastor's house to have breakfast ... it was eggs, spam, and some homemade bread.  The people here are very poor, they are very happy and content to get anything they can, as it seems, and are willing to share.  We seriously split a dozen eggsand a can of spam among about 20+ people.  From there we were traveling to the minister who was going to host us when we stopped off at a resort (they call apartments) that is owned by a doctor (Duncan) that is good friends with Bro Joshua.  He allowed us to rent a "room" for a few days.  This was no room, it was a fully furnished two bedroom condo ... and the Doc ... he is such an amazing host.  Last night he drove us to get food ... he is always checking in on us ... made us breakfast this morning and has given all of us free check ups and medical advice.  What a wonderful man. 

The IPA is very well respect here as compared to other denominations that have come here, raised a bunch of fuss, and abandoned the work and the people.  From the outside, this Island is the most beautiful place you will ever see ... I can guarantee it.  But, from within, it is desperately poor.  There is no money here.  The lengthy and ongoing American recession has had a devastating effect on the economy here ... the major resource here was tourism.  But the people love Americans ... remembering the operations in Grenada years ago.  However, a lot of American "missions" groups have come here only to leave the people broken .. expecting money finding none. That is such a shame.  Instead, the IPA trains up the people and empowers them and provides them with the funds and resources to be productive and efficient with their ability to work the ministry. The sadness I was speaking up earlier was this fact ... that such a beautiful people and such a wonderful land is so impoverished in both resources and finances as well as abandoned by the major religious institutions that boast about their missions departments.

That night, our race began.  We went to the local IPA Bible School graduation.  It was so hot!!!  I was asked to join in with the worship team ... what a joy!  Music truly allows us to cross lines that language barriers prevent.  I was afraid that I was going to be electricuted as water was pouring off of me onto the electric guitar.  It was amazing.  Truth be told, I would rather play hot than cold.  The service was amazing, the night was awesome.  After the graduation I listend in on a choir practice before we left for the night.  I will attach a short video clip ... if it doesn't move you, your heart is made of concrete and steel.

The next morning, we each headed out to different churches to preach.  It was an amazing morning ... but very hot.  The notes for the message (titled Spirit of Jeroboam) are HERE.  Feel free to download and use as you need.  After I was finished, a young man who happened to be visiting stand up and stated that he needed to hear what I had said ... that I had spoken of things God was directly dealing with him on.  As you know, the notes do not define the sermon, there is much more said than what is written ... I do not have any recording ... they do not have the ability or resources to do that here ... but it would help them so much to be able to have that ... these guys reach out to their community with a passion that should shame us ... we can help them do it better and faster.

For lunch, we took out the couple that hosted us to a local restaurant ... Tropicana ... and we have fallen in love with that place.  They were delightful ... the Lord used us again to minister to them while we ate ... it was very refreshing ... and a new relationship began.  My closest relationships have begun by taking time with others that we did not know and had no need to invest ... other than just enjoying company of others ... something I have learned to value above most else.
I did get to wander out into the ocean ... it is clearer than a glass of water!  I also earned myself a sunburn in less than 10 minutes ... it is amazing the difference of the sun and the color of things being right here on the equator.

After a good nights sleep, we were awakened with breakfast made by our Dr Duncan ... healthy and full of energy.  Soon after, we were picked up and taken off to a meeting of sorts ... kind of an introduction to a young local pastor while a nurse and professional masseuse gave massages to all of us who wanted them ... and the food!  She made this drink (pear punch) from  avocado's ... that doesn't sound enticing but it was heavenly.  They call avocados pears here ...

Today is a day of rest for us ... it is so beautiful here.  The people simply do not get into a rush ... unless they are driving :) ... seriously.  Tomorrow night I preach at a local church with a young pastor (25), who is also a former senator here ... the youngest in the history (22).  Then the convention begins that will take us from Wednesday through Sunday.  As we sit, I smell what is being cooked for lunch and I cannot wait.

That's it for now!  Enjoy the pics ... for more, you can go to my FACEBOOK and see the rest.
God bless and see you soon!

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